Vancouver island filmmaker makes documentary on #VanLife

Vancouver island filmmaker makes documentary on #VanLife

WATCH: Is it a desperate fix for homelessness or an over glamorized social media movement? #VanLife is what a Vancouver island filmmaker is focusing on is his new documentary, and he’s hoping Netflix will jump on board. Kori Sidaway has more on the man behind the island-shot film and those that chose to live VanLife.

Charl Dufresne lives in Victoria in his 1976 VW van. He’s one of many people now choosing to live in their vans.

Across North America, living in vans have become so popular the lifestyle has its own hashtag #VanLife. But through his new documentary, The Reality of #VanLife, Forrest Stevens says social media popularity doesn’t show the complete picture of living inside a van.

“I don’t think there was any denying that social media over-glamorizing van life,” said Stevens who filmed the entire documentary on the Island.

“One of the interesting things someone said was van-life isn’t the only thing over-glamorize on social media. Instagram only allows to you upload a snapshot into your life and you’re probably going to upload the best thing that happened in your day, not the worst or not the average,” added Stevens.

Some people say living in a cargo compartment isn’t just about sharing the experience on social media, it’s about finding an affordable place to live.

“I think a lot of debt and I think a lot of rising housing costs have let a lot of people think about moving into a van,” said Stevens.

Forrest thinks the VanLife trend will eventually peter out for those pursuing an experience to share on social media. But, for those who love the van life lifestyle, will keep the movement in high gear.

“No matter where you go, or what you do as long as you have a smile, you keep smiling, that will be your best passport,” says Dufresne, who doesn’t plan on stopping anytime soon.

Meanwhile, Forrest is pitching his film to outlets like Netflix in hopes they’ll pick up his documentary.

You can follow his journey on what else, social media on the handle Forrest the Filmmaker.


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