Compassionate Resource Warehouse ships off their 500th container

Compassionate Resource Warehouse ships off their 500th container
WatchFor the past 20 years, a local charity has been helping those in need in third world countries. Shipping hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of supplies. And this week they reached a milestone they never thought was reachable

For the past 20 years, the Compassionate resource warehouse society has sent off used goods to developing and third world countries.

“We gather different items whether it’s school or household, some clothing bikes, tools that kind of thing, we package it, get it all ready and then send containers,” said Compassionate Resource Warehouse Society President Dell Marie Wergeland.

And this week their group of volunteers are back at it, preparing for their 500th shipment.

“It took us a year and a half to get enough for the first container and it went September 3rd, 2000. And since then we have 500 containers.” Wergeland said.

The CRW partners with Canadian Charities doing work over in countries around the world. They ask what the charity needs and then collect the items. For this milestone shipment, it’s ICROSS Canada on the receiving end. The shipment will go to Jordan to assist with Iraqi and Syrian Refugees.

“We’ve got an education project, we’ve get an art project, we’ve got a trauma project and for whatever the need is, compassionate resource warehouse is phenomenal about going to the community of Victoria, going to Island and saying this is the specific needs that we have,” said ICROSS Canada President Dr. Bridget Stirling.

Dell Marie says 20 years later, it’s all still surreal.

“People continually give to us and to think 500 containers full of amazing stuff. They’re very full, and to be able to say that there’s that much stuff that has been given and donated to us that we can send away… it’s truly a miracle,” Wergeland said.


Ben NesbitBen Nesbit

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