Unofficial campaigns well under way before what could be a ‘nasty’ Canadian election

Unofficial campaigns well under way before what could be a 'nasty' Canadian election

Canadian parties are ramping up their campaigns, before what some say could be a “nasty” election.

But they are waiting for Prime Minister Trudeau to set off the official start, known as dropping the writ — a term unfamiliar to some Canadians.

“I have no freaking clue what that means,” said Jenny Heston.

“Something legal? but I’m afraid I don’t know,” said Dani Mcarthur.

“It really means the Prime Minister goes and meets with the Governor General, asks for a dissolution of parliament, really that then triggers an election,” said Michael Prince, a political scientist from UVic.

In Victoria some say the parties are already out in the community.

“I have noticed that at every venue there is, Sannich fair, Pet-A-Palooza, whatever there is, all the parties are out there with their little tents and lollipops,” said Heston.

“I went to the pride parade in Salt Spring yesterday and the Greens were out in full numbers,” said Blair Brooks.

And there’s a good reason for it.

“Having a fall election, and avoiding the winter. You get the summer fairs, the fall fairs, this becomes a natural place for candidates and incumbents to be showing the party, getting the news out,” said Prince.

National polls are showing a close race between the Liberals and Conservatives. On Vancouver Island, the ridings of Victoria and Cowichan–Malahat–Langford are expected to be tight.

So parties are ramping up the rhetoric.

“I got into politics to help people…. like the people in Papineau for more than a decade,” said Prime Minister Trudeau in an ad.

“People tell me I’m different from the other leaders…. and I am… I don’t work for the wealthy and well connected,” said federal NDP leader Jagmeet Singh.

“Justin Trudeau is at it again…. He’s launching personal attacks and making things up that aren’t true,” said Conservative leader Andrew Scheer.

“It’s kind of ironic, cause in a way its the same message Trudeau said in 2015,” said Prince in response to Scheer’s ad.

“When you look at other countries with their chaos and struggles, this will be fairly civilized. but by Canadian standards this will be seen as a hard, and at times nasty campaign,” added Prince.

The final deadline to drop the writ is September 15, ahead of the October 21 election date.


Julian KolsutJulian Kolsut

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