Unique Denman and Hornby dental practice on wheels needs new owner

Unique Denman and Hornby dental practice on wheels needs new owner
WatchA Hornby Island dentist is about to sell his unconventional practice. His office and his equipment are on a bus and the dentist drives it between Hornby Island and Denman Island.

A Hornby Island dentist is ready to sell his unconventional dental practice.

His office and his equipment are on a bus and the dentist drives it between Hornby Island and Denman Island.

And while it’s offbeat and unorthodox, much like the Gulf Islands he serves, he says it works remarkably well.

Dr. Peter Walford plugs in electricity, water, telephone and gray water and during the summer, the front door stays open.

“And between this and fans, there’s enough circulation to keep us comfortable,” said Walford while fastening the door open.

And during the height of some winters, they close.

“We go to 10 below and then we have to shut down cause the water’s getting frozen on the way in and the drain’s frozen on the way out,” said Walford.

Walford and his staff started bussing between Hornby and Denman Island’s in 1986. He outfitted this bus in the mid-’90s and says his practice is unique.

“I’m not aware of any others myself.”

The bike rack on the bus is for the days he rides instead of driving the bus home.

There is also a library and a waiting room where shoes are optional.

“We save a lot of kilometres that people would otherwise drive. It’s over the circumference of the earth per year,” said Walford.

A dental assistant says over the years patients jumped in to help when staff were in a bind or to improve the practice

“That’s the kind of community that’s made this possible and has made this something that really makes this work,” said Arlene Cearns.

His 800 active customers love it.

“The convenience of it and also the fact that Peter and the team fit in with the quirky semi-alternative lifestyle here. I mean I’m getting my work done here on a bus,” said Graeme Isbister, a patient of three years.

And you won’t find TV’s here. Look at the ceiling and you’ll find thousands of buttons added by patients over the decades.

It’s all part of this irregular practice for sale for that special dentist who comes not quite like all the others.

Kendall HansonKendall Hanson

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