Two major campaigns launched this week by BCAA, and ICBC aim at reducing costs, and saving lives.

Two major campaigns launched this week by BCAA, and ICBC aim at reducing costs, and saving lives.

WATCH: Two major campaigns launched this week by BCAA, and ICBC are aimed at reducing costs, and saving lives. Bad driving habits are a headache for the public insurer costing billions of dollars in claims. And for the auto club, this fall’s legalization of cannabis is a concern. Mary Griffin reports.

Fortunately no injuries as a result of this collision after this red vehicle hit a blue SUV in a busy intersection.

The damage is likely in the thousands of dollars.

And earlier today, this fender bender involved three vehicles when a truck struck this Smart Car, which then bumped into a third vehicle.

Again, no injuries but again, damage is likely to be in the thousands of dollars.

If you think there are more accidents happening on our roads, you would be right.

“I’m not happy to share this, but crashes are on the rise, again,” said Lindsay Matthews, ICBC’s interim vice-president responsible for road safety.

A total of 260,000 crashes occurred on BC roads in 2013. 35,000 on Vancouver Island roads.

Fast-forward to 2017, and last year saw 350,000 crashes, 46,000 crashes on Vancouver Island.

That’s an increase of 25 percent on island roads.

“Last year the total cost of claims was 4.8 billion. That’s 13 million dollars every day,” Matthews said.

That’s why ICBC is introducing an online refresher course for drivers in an effort to reduce the record high number of collisions.

The Drive Smart Refresher Test lists twenty questions aimed at reminding drivers of the rules, without affecting their license.

A survey conducted for ICBC’s road safety campaign by Insights West found that two-fifths of respondents admitted that they’ve likely forgotten some rules of the road

Yet motorists still hold their driving skills in high regard, said Mario Canseco, a spokesperson for Insights West, which conducted the survey.

“Drivers still hold their driving skills in high regard. In fact, two thirds think their skills are above average. 88 percent think they pass the written test if they had to do it again,” Canseco said.

And BCAA is targeting impaired drivers in advance of the legalization of cannibis in a new campaign.

It found millennials are leading all age groups in thinking, and acting responsibly around impaired driving, according to Shawn Pettipas, BCAA’s Director of Community Engagement.

“We know that millennials are going to lead every other generation in not driving impaired. so, when cannabis become legal, let’s follow their lead,” Pettipas said.

The campaign is running on all platforms in the months leading up to legalization.

Mary GriffinMary Griffin

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