Thousands donated to Saanich senior whose house was ransacked while in hospital

Thousands donated to Saanich senior whose house was ransacked while in hospital

The Saanich senior whose home was repeatedly ransacked in six separate break-and-enters while she was in hospital being treated for pneumonia, is feeling lifted up by her community. People have come together to raise thousands to make sure she has a home to go back to.

“It’s amazing, I’ve never thought of anyone doing something like this,” said Tolmie.

In February, Tolmie was taken from her home in rural Saanich in an ambulance with a bad case of pneumonia.

Three months later, she’s now allowed day trips out of the hospital. She used the visits to come home, only to find it repeatedly ransacked.

“This was an attack, a violation,” said Nathalie Chambers, a Saanich councillor who happens to be Tolmie’s neighbour.

The thieves took priceless antiques, family photos and mementos. They also cut out copper pipe from floor to ceiling, leaving the house unlivable.

“It was not something that you could patch the roof, it really was a rebuild and that kind of house, you’re best to start again,” said Tolmie.

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Start again is what Tolmie plans to do, with some unexpected help.

It started with a GoFundMe, which raised almost $3,000 in the first 24 hours. If $7,000 more is raised, the money will go towards a trailer for Tolmie to temporarily live in when she’s discharged from the hospital Monday.

“We hope to have a trailer in place on my property by [Monday] so that I can move into it,” said Tolmie.

Someone’s already offered to install and hook the trailer up, meanwhile local developers are looking at multiple options for a new home. The helping hands are helping lift Tolmie’s spirits.

“Its amazing how generous and kind people are for thinking of someone else’s difficulties. I’m very very grateful. I can’t really express how very grateful I am for all this,” said Tolmie, eyes welling with tears.


Kori SidawayKori Sidaway

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