‘Think local first’ initiative promotes buying local to keep money in the community

'Think local first' initiative promotes buying local to keep money in the community

WATCH: Tuesday, marks the beginning of the annual think local week. The initiative encourages shoppers gearing up for the holiday season to spend their money locally and help our communities flourish. Luisa Alvarez reports.

Walking in downtown Victoria you will notice plenty of locally owned businesses.

” We have family-owned businesses that go back generations we have unique charming restaurants we have small businesses that make us truly a different place from all the cities,” said Destination Greater Victoria CEO Paul Nursey.

The local flavor in greater Victoria is all part of our charm and as the 7th annual think local week initiative kicks off local businesses hope this holiday season you keep them top of mind.

“It keeps money into your community rather than sending it outside of Canada,” said the manager of Buddies toys Emma Pritcherd.

Especially as more and more people go online. In the past year, eighty percent of Canadians bought something online and only twelve percent were one time shoppers.

Buddies Toys in Oak Bay and Sidney is just one of the more than 100 local businesses taking part in the think local first approach.

“We donate to local charities or preschools or events.
All of us live in our communities too and we try to support as many people as we can as well and I think that sets us apart as well and why I think it’s important to choose local,” said Pritcherd.

There is a free ‘think local’ app available for those wondering what businesses are local and where they are located.

The app lists all the local businesses and even has an interactive map.

Retailers believe the initiative is working and as Christmas fast approaches they’re hoping that you shop local keeping the spirit of Victoria alive.

To find out more visit the ‘think local first’ website.

Luisa AlvarezLuisa Alvarez

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