“There is a whole lot of good in the world too”: Trudeau offers message of hope to Canadian children after N.S. mass shooting

"There is a whole lot of good in the world too": Trudeau offers message of hope to Canadian children after N.S. mass shooting
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Prime Minister used the time scheduled for his daily COVID-19 update to instead address the tragic mass shooting that occured in Nova Scotia.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau paused from giving his usual update on the COVID-19 landscape in Canada and instead, took the time during his daily national address to acknowledge the tragic mass shooting that took place in Nova Scotia this past weekend.

During a 12-hour time frame between Saturday, April 18 and Sunday, April 19, at least 19 victims have been found dead across the province in connection to a mass killing spree.

With the heavy news shocking many Canadians across the country, Trudeau took the time to acknowledge those currently in the grieving process.

“We are a country that stands united in our effort to defeat a pandemic, save lives, and help each other make it to a better day, but yesterday, we were jolted from that common cause by the senseless violence and tragedy in Nova Scotia,” said Trudeau from a press conference at Rideau Cottage in Ottawa. “Such a tragedy should have never occurred. Violence of any kind has no place in Canada. We stand with you and we grieve with you.”

With the mass shooting coming during the unprecedented coronavirus pandemic, Trudeau took a moment to offer a message of hope to Canadian children directly.

“I know the world can seem like a mean and ugly place right now, but there is a whole lot of good in the world too. You’ll see it in your neighbours and in Canadians in the days and weeks and months ahead,” said Trudeau.

With the mass shooting in Nova Scotia being one of the deadliest in Canada’s history and the COVID-19 landscape adding measures to daily life that haven’t been experienced by society in recent memory, Trudeau suggested to children that brighter days were ahead.

“This is a difficult time and it can be a scary time too, but we’re here for you and we’re going to get through this together. I promise,” added the prime minister.

During his address, Trudeau also spent time thanking the ongoing efforts of the RCMP across the nation.

“Canada is a vast and sweeping country, filled with long stretches of lonely roads,” Trudeau said. “With unwavering courage and compassion, the RCMP patrol these roads to keep us safe as they have for hundreds of years.”

Trudeau pointed out that a tragedy like the mass shooting in Nova Scotia serves as a sign of the daily bravery shown by not only RCMP officers, but all first responders in Canada.

“This tragedy is a painful reminder of the risks all of our first responders take to keep us safe, of the sacrifices they make every single day to protect our communities.”

Police authorities have unveiled that one of the victims in the Nova Scotia shooting was RCMP Cst. Heidi Stevenson, a 23-year veteran of the Force.

Other names of some of the victims have started to emerge as friends and family have taken to social media to mourn.

Trudeau said during his address that as a result of the pandemic, communities are unable to gather in the same way to mourn, but directed people to an online vigil being held this Friday, April 24. The vigil will take place at 4 pm PT and details can be found on the Colchester- Supporting our Communities Facebook page.

In addition, Trudeau asked that the name of the shooter or his picture not be shared around in order to “not give him the gift of infamy” from his violent actions.

“Let us instead focus all our attention on the lives we lost and the families and friends who grieve,” said Trudeau.

The prime minister also added that the government will be looking at changes to gun control in the future as a result of the incident.

The mass shooting in Nova Scotia is currently under investigation.









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