Teens rescue girl separated from family during hike in Gowlland Tod

Teens rescue girl separated from family during hike in Gowlland Tod
West Shore RCMP handout image
Gabe Kingston and Kyle Hadley were hiking in Gowlland Tod Park when they helped guide a girl to safety.

Two teens hiking in Gowlland Tod Provincial Park were able to rescue a 14-year-old girl who had been separated from her grandmother and mother.

Gabe Kingston, 18, and Kyle Hadley, 17, had just recently picked up hiking as a hobby, and were exploring Gowlland Tod for the first time on Aug. 7.

While they were out on a hike, they heard someone calling for help, so they went to investigate.

Little did they know, the cries were from a girl who had been separated from her grandmother, and the grandmother had called police to help find her.

When Kingston and Hadley ran towards the call for help, they found the girl stuck on a dangerously steep part of the trail.

Kingston called 911, and Hadley climbed the trail to help guide the girl back down.

The pair say they are happy that the girl is safe, and that they were in the right place at the right time to help out.

The West Shore RCMP are recognizing the efforts of the two teens by giving them a Certificate of Appreciation.

“The young girl who was unharmed, was reunited her with her family. We want to recognize these young citizens, who heard a cry for help and acted quickly to get a fellow citizen to safety,” said Cpl. Nancy Saggar, West Shore RCMP media relations officer.


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