Teens react to funny Saanich police Tide pod video

Teens react to funny Saanich police Tide pod video

WATCH: Teens watched a funny Saanich police video called ‘What to eat, what not to eat” on Thursday. The video was in response to the viral Tide pod challenge that has teens eating detergent packets. Isabelle Raghem reports. 

The message is clear: “No pod in your bod.”

Saanich Police released a video on Wednesday they called “What to eat, what not to eat”.

It’s a video warning teenagers to reject the “Tide pod challenge.” The recent trend on social media has kids and teenagers biting into brightly-coloured liquid laundry detergent packets. Many experts have warned against the dangers of ingesting the detergent.

Instead of just explaining why people shouldn’t bite into detergent pods, Const. Adam Defrane and Const. Jeff Kreczmer go through some safe foods to eat, like a sandwich, and some unsafe items, like candles.

“We decided to inject some humour, some pop culture in there to really try and connect with [teens],” says Sgt. Jereme Leslie with Saanich police.

At the end of the video, the two officers explain why it’s a bad idea to take the challenge promote their own hashtag #NoPodInYourBod.

Saanich police made the video on Tuesday. It took about 45 minutes to film and 40 minutes to put together.

While Island Health says so far they have no had reported cases, it’s clear the challenge has crossed the border. Some Mount Douglas Secondary students say they know of teens who have tried it out.

“Ya my friend’s friend did it at another school,” said one student Thursday. “He went to the hospital.”

Police insist it’s no laughing matter, despite the humourous video.

“Some people are actually in this challenge and we want to make sure that people in our community to get affected by this,” added Sgt. Leslie. “They’re extremely toxic they’re meant to go in the washing machine not be ingested so really that can cause significant damage to your digestive system.”

Isabelle RaghemIsabelle Raghem

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