CHEK Upside: Special birthday parade for Comox boy fighting leukemia

CHEK Upside: Special birthday parade for Comox boy fighting leukemia
WatchChase Petersen turned eight-years-old Tuesday and was surprised by a parade of over 100 vehicles to with him a happy birthday.

It was the kind of birthday parade every eight-year-old boy would love and on National Superhero Day, young Chase Petersen and his family really needed the show of support and love.

“We’re just so thankful everyone could come and help us celebrate his birthday,” said Chase’s mom Erin Petersen.

“It’s a tough time for sure like any parent’s worst nightmare going through this but they are such a strong family,” said Petersen family friend Laura Lidstone.

Chase was diagnosed with leukemia in February and he has been fighting it like a superhero which was the theme of Tuesday’s surprise parade.

He has been in and out of the hospital and due to COVID-19 could not have a normal birthday party.

“The family knows a lot of people in town and a lot of people care about them and obviously it’s a special circumstance having a young fellow having to deal with what he’s dealing with,” said family friend Ryan Williams.

Police, Paramedics and local firefighters from Comox, 19 Wing Comox and Oyster River came out to say happy birthday.

“We were requested like everybody else here to come and show our support for this young man,” said Comox Fire Assistant Chief Rick Shelton. “We’re really surprised at the turnout, it’s much larger than we’d anticipated.”

A Buffalo fixed-wing search and rescue aircraft and a Cormorant helicopter also did a flyby to brighten Chase’s day.

“I think it’s amazing and it makes me want to cry, the support that’s being shown for Chase and there’s not a better family or kid out there that deserves this support,” said family friend Erin Denison.

“It might take him a while to digest it all but I think that was astounding for him and I think this will be a memory that lasts a long time,” said Chase’s father Scott Petersen.

One hundred and eleven emergency and private vehicles were counted driving by to say Happy Birthday.

Dean StoltzDean Stoltz

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