Speaker calls for forensic audit of offices of B.C. Legislature

Speaker calls for forensic audit of offices of B.C. Legislature

WATCH:  BC’s Speaker says he’ll quit if a forensic audit of his office, and two others don’t back up his claims against the suspended Clerk and Sergeant at Arms.   During the Legislative Assembly Management Committee meeting, Darryl Plecas and Liberal house leader Mary Polak clashed again, and again.    Polak asking questions about the Speakers investigation into the Clerk and Sergeant at Arms that led to their suspension.

MLA’s and staff arrive for the meeting of the Legislative Assembly Management Committee.  Absent is the first Special Advisor to the Speaker, Alan Mullen.  The second Special Advisor, Wally Oppal, is in attendance.   The meeting starts out civilly.  But  Liberal House leader Mary Polak quickly begins a line of questioning, all concerning the investigation of the Clerk, and the Sergeant-at-Arms.
“Under the authority of what statute though, sir?” Polak asked Plecas.
Plecas responded, “Under my authority as Speaker. And if somebody says that I don’t have that authority, I have that authority and obligation as an elected official. All of us have that responsibility. When we see things which are untoward, we need to take action on it. We are not going to bury anything under my watch.   There will never, ever be anything buried here.  Ever.”
As chair of the meeting, Plecas continued lashing out.  “I am completely confident, completely confident that those audits will show that we have a lot of work to do here.  And if the outcome of those audits do not outrage the public, do not outrage taxpayers, do not make them throw up, I will resign as speaker.  And Mr. Mullen will resign as well. “
The next meeting of the Legislative Assembly Management Committee is scheduled for mid-January.

Mary GriffinMary Griffin

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