The sound of silence: Driver barred from blasting his car stereo in Central Saanich

The sound of silence: Driver barred from blasting his car stereo in Central Saanich

WATCH: Central Saanich police have charged a man with mischief after they say his loud music lead to dozens of complaints, over several months. Isabelle Raghem reports.

The size and sound of the stereo system Dustin Hamilton has loaded into his PT Cruiser would make any audiophile proud.

The 24-year old likes to play his car stereo loud, very loud.

“It’s not just about the bass, it’s about the clear sound,” said Hamilton.

The system is so powerful, he’s had to use a sealant to fix damage to his rear window.

But his pride and joy was driving many along a stretch of a Central Saanich road to distraction.

After receiving no fewer than 17 noise complaints from people living along West Saanich Road beginning in May, police stepped in and forced Hamilton to turn the volume off.

“The complainants have stated that their dishes were rattling in the house, young kids were waking up, it certainly had an impact,” said Cpl. Dan Cottingham of Central Saanich Police.

He has now been banned from playing his booming system anywhere in the municipality.

He’s even barred from driving his car altogether along West Saanich Road between Keating Cross Road and Wallace Drive.

“It’s just ridiculous,” said Hamilton.

“Whether it’s a stereo or a lawnmower or your neighbour’s kids screaming, why do I get into trouble?”

Hamilton claims it began when one man used his car to box in his vehicle at a local parking lot to confront him about his loud music and it has only escalated from there.

“That guy has made it his life mission to get me into trouble with the police, go neighbour to neighbour, posting on Facebook groups asking people to report me.”

Central Saanich Police say their warnings to Hamilton were also loud and clear.

“He was spoken to about this matter on numerous occasions, he was aware of the impact he was having on the residents there.” said Cpl Cottingham.

“He had plenty of opportunities to modify his behaviour.”

Hamilton also now faces a criminal charge of mischief and is due in court later this month.





Ben O'HaraBen O'Hara

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