Sooke mother says Banana Boat Sunscreen gave her child chemical burns and blisters

Sooke mother says Banana Boat Sunscreen gave her child chemical burns and blisters

WATCH: A mother in Sooke is warning others about Banana Boat sunscreen after she says her son was burned by it. The company says it couldn’t have been the cause, but as Luisa Alvarez tells us, the product is already the subject of hundreds of complaints filed with Health Canada. 

April Meadus’ six-year-old son Caleb is on antibiotics and steroid cream to treat what doctors say are chemical burns all over his body.

Meadus says they appeared Saturday 20 minutes after applying Banana Boat sunscreen and she believes the two are connected.  She also says while it would be horrible for any child it’s even worse for her autistic son.

“My little boy suffers from epilepsy, and distress in the body, burns, anything can set off his other health risks and now he’s at high risk for seizure activity so we have to watch him 24/7 right now,” said Meadus.

Some of the blisters on his hand already burst and are now at risk of infection. And All over his ears, Caleb is still covered in them.

“The pediatric team assessed him and said that it is caused by the sunblock and it is the chemical burns that occurred,” said Meadus.

Meadus filed a complaint with Health Canada and she’s not the only one. Between December 31st, 2005 and December 31st of last year, 303 adverse reaction complaints were filed about Banana Boat sunscreen products.

According to Health Canada due to the number of complaints involving chemical burns it launched an investigation and in 2017 tested numerous Banana Boat sunscreen products and reviewed testing conducted by the company.

In a statement sent via email Health Canada says,”the tests and review of company results confirmed that the samples contained the correct amount of medicinal ingredients, that the pH levels of the samples were satisfactory, and that no undeclared drugs were identified, but Health Canada?s safety review of sunscreen ingredients and the risk of skin reactions is ongoing.”

CHEK News also reached out to Banana Boat Sun Care Canada which said in a statement their products could not have caused chemical burns.

“Topical use cannot cause chemical burns, which are sometimes mistakenly linked to personal care products or confused with sunburns,” reads a statement by Banana Boat Sun Care Canada.

But Meadus is convinced the sunscreen is the cause of her son’s pain and is considering legal action.

“No other child should have to deal with this and I’m not taking this lightly it was torture yesterday for my son,” said Meadus.

Luisa AlvarezLuisa Alvarez

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