Songhees girls group uses $500 windfall to give to the needy in downtown Victoria

Songhees girls group uses $500 windfall to give to the needy in downtown Victoria

A Songhees girls group was told they could use a $500 honorarium they received for volunteer work however they wanted, they chose to spend it on a good cause.

“We gave the girls a choice,” said group co-leader Debra Lazzar.

“They wanted to make up some bags and soup and come downtown.”

The group  bought items they thought could help those in need including gloves, tuques, socks, and toiletries. They also made soup and sandwiches.

On Wednesday evening, they piled into a van and went to Centennial Square in Victoria to hand out what they’d gathered.

“It makes us feel good that we came up with this idea to make other people happy before Christmas,” said Lylyan Modeste-Prevost.

Joy Charleson runs the group along with Lazzar, both work for the Health Department at the Songhees Nation.

“I’m sure that some of their families may have struggles as well,” said Charleson of the girls in her group.

“For them to think about other people who are less fortunate, I think is a really strong quality in each and everyone of the young girls.”



Ben O'HaraBen O'Hara

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