Section of sewage pipe sitting in James Bay painted by local artist

Section of sewage pipe sitting in James Bay painted by local artist

A pipe for Greater Victoria’s controversial new sewage treatment plant is getting a makeover in James Bay.

A local business owner, Leslie Johnston, thought of the idea of painting the pipe sitting on Niagara Street?  described as an eyesore by some residents.

The contractor HRP agreed, and brought in local artist Teresa Waclawik who also lives on the street to paint a section of the almost 1-kilometre long pipe.

“We had had an idea in the shop actually, lots of clients had talked about painting it or at least putting our initials on it or something,” said Johnston.

“And when I talked to Jeff from HRP, he said ?yeah, what a great idea, we’re going to have it painted.? And so that’s when Teresa came into the picture, and it’s been a lot of fun.”

Waclawik is painting a block of the pipe, between Menzies and Medana Street’s.

“We decided I would beautify the pipe so that people would love what’s happening, rather than be annoyed,” Said Waclawik. “I’ve had really good comments from the community, people seem to love what I’m doing, and it’s a bright thing instead of a black pipe.”

The pipe has been sitting above ground in the closed street for six weeks. It will eventually run along the Dallas Road waterfront to Ogden Point and go under the Victoria Harbour, ending at a treatment plant being built at McLoughlin Point.

It is slated to be put in place in April.



Teresa Waclawik pictured painting the pipe on Niagara Street in James Bay

Teresa Waclawik pictured painting the pipe on Niagara Street in James Bay



Julian KolsutJulian Kolsut

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