Saanich woman says thief took away her lifeline

Saanich woman says thief took away her lifeline

WATCH: A Saanich woman with a disability is now facing another hurdle. Her e-bike was stolen just over a week ago, and her small business is now suffering. As Kori Sidaway tells us, her freedom has also been taken away. 

Peter Clarke is trying to get the word out.

“Bolt cutters slipped through it like a hot knife in butter,” said Clarke, holding up a clipped bike lock.

In the middle of the night, someone came onto their property, cut the locks which usually keeps Peter and Naomi Beck’s bikes safe.

“This is the exact same bike that I have, it’s my husbands,” said Beck.

The thief made off with Beck’s bike, who needs it to get around.

“Since the bike has been stolen, I’ve had to go back to using a cane,” said Beck.

Living with a condition where her muscles are constantly contracted, walking is difficult for Beck. And this bike was her lifeline.

“It’s my survival, it’s my freedom really,” said Beck.

“When I don’t have the bike, I’m pretty much just stuck here, so it’s not really living right?”

And with the bike, Beck’s livelihood was also robbed from her.

“I’ve pretty much dropped two-thirds of my clients, because I can’t get around in an effective way,” said Beck.

Living on disability, the bike isn’t something that’s easily replaced.

“The bike is worth $4,000 dollars. I worked so hard to get that and then somebody just decides that it’s ok to take from someone?” said Beck.

Regardless, she remains hopeful.

“I think there are good people out there still, but it’s really hard to understand why somebody needs to take other peoples things,” said Beck.

And she’s asking for her community to be her ears and eyes, while she can’t.

“Keep your eyes peeled. It’s a very unique bike, there’s maybe 15 in town and maybe 4 or 5 in red,” said Beck.

“I would like to have mine back so I can get on with life.”

If anyone spots a bike like this in the Saanich area, they’re asked to call Saanich police.

Kori SidawayKori Sidaway

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