Saanich couple and infant son struggling to find new home following fire

Saanich couple and infant son struggling to find new home following fire

WATCH: A couple and their infant son, who has cystic fibrosis, was left with little more than the clothes they were wearing after a fire caused extensive damage to their home on Monday. They had insurance but face a unique struggle to find a new home. Kori Sidaway has their story.

Little Luke is a bright light that’s keeping a Saanich family going, even after losing everything in a fire on Monday.

“She said ‘is Dustin there?’ I said ‘yes,’ I didn’t recognize her voice because she was sounding a little bit off, and she just said, ‘our house is on fire,” said Dustin Williams while describing how his wife notified him about the fire.

Earlier this week, Dustin and Kristy Williams watched as their Saanich home went up in flames. They were left with just the clothes on their back and their home with extensive damage. They even lost their wedding rings.

“He leaves [the ring] on the kitchen counter and puts it on when he gets home from work. Mine was in the drawer, but again, they can be replaced right?” asked Kristy.

Regardless of what they lost, the Williams are just thankful no one was home.

“All I had are the clothes I am wearing right now. Our first priority was getting stuff for Luke. He had nothing – no bed, no sleep sack. It makes you reevaluate the important things in your life,” said Dustin.

The family is resolved to remain positive even when life has already dealt them a difficult hand.

“Our son Luke has cystic fibrosis,” said Dustin.

Diagnosed weeks after birth, Luke struggles to breathe. He needs expensive injections and a sterilized environment to keep healthy – something that had the family already struggling to make ends meet.

But, the community is already showing support, dropping off new clothes, and toys, to replace what Luke lost in the fire.

But with no home and no place to store everything, the family said the best gift is a donation to their GoFundMe page.

The family is having to stay in a hotel for now and with Luke’s compromised immune system, they’re restricted in the toys, household items, even the home they can live in.

“It means so much for you to support not just us, but our family. You’re helping me to support my son, thank you,” said Dustin.


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