Royal BC Museum becomes steward of iconic Terry Fox collection

Royal BC Museum becomes steward of iconic Terry Fox collection

The Royal BC Museum and the Terry Fox Centre have entered a long-term partnership to preserve the iconic collection of Canada’s beloved hero.

“We are deeply honored that the Terry Fox Centre and the Fox family have entrusted us the stewardship of this very important collection,” said Tracey Drake, CEO of the RBCM.

The Fox family will retain ownership of the collection of objects gathered throughout Terry’s short life and the 1980 Marathon of Hope.

Terry’s brother, Darrell, who also heads the Terry Fox Foundation, shared some stories about how the collection was preserved through the years.

“Our mom, Betty, protected Terry’s Marathon of Hope possessions for three decades until her passing. She equally nurtured thousands of cards, letters, mock school cheques and gifts that Canadians forwarded during and after the marathon,” said Darrell.

“We would not be here today if mom did not recognize the need to protect all things Terry.”

The camper van from the marathon, the shoes and t-shirts Terry wore, his diary and the jug of water he collected from the Atlantic when he started his run are just some of the many important items in the collection.

The RBCM and the Terry Fox Centre will now begin the work needed to carefully curate and bring the collection to the Island.

According to Drake,  the collection is currently on the mainland. A team from the museum will conduct an assessment of the collection and then bring them back for cataloguing.

Through this partnership, the RBCM is hoping to protect and preserve the iconic Terry Fox collection for generations to come.

April 12 marks the 44th anniversary of the day Terry set out on his Marathon of Hope that captured the hearts of Canadians and people around the world.


Harry CorroHarry Corro

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