Road to Recovery: Personal branding more important than ever in digital age, says PR expert

Road to Recovery: Personal branding more important than ever in digital age, says PR expert
WatchIn this episode of Road to Recovery, CHEK's Joe Perkins speaks to Pamela Sylvan, a personal branding expert in Victoria, about how people can network and advance their career through their own personal brand.

With in-person meetings, interviews, and networking happening on a limited basis or not at all because of COVID-19, it’s become much more difficult for professionals to network and build their brand.

But while COVID-19 has made it more difficult, there are still ways for professionals to network and build their brand.

In this episode of Road to Recovery, CHEK’s Joe Perkins speaks to Pamela Sylvan, a personal branding and PR expert in Victoria, about how professionals can network and advance their career through their own personal brand amid COVID-19 and the digital age.

Sylvan says in an ever-increasing digital age, a personal brand and online presence is more important than ever.

“We have to own our story if people want to either help us lead them, if we want to win or we want to earn, we want to get that job, we want people to buy from us, sign up from us or follow us. In this digital time, it is more important than ever,” she said.

Watch the full interview in the video above.

The segment Road to Recovery is done in partnership with Douglas Magazine.


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