Road to Recovery: Investing in the Indigenous economy

Road to Recovery: Investing in the Indigenous economy

In this week’s segment of Road to Recovery with Douglas Magazine, CHEK’s Jasmine Bala chats with Sage Lacerte, CEO and president of Sage Initiative.

Sage Lacerte is Carrier from the Lake Babine Nation and a first-generation residential school survivor.

“I’m a part of a generation of young Indigenous womxn who have investible savings and a desire to invest our money in a way that helps our people,” she said.

Lacerte made her first investment in an Indigenous-owned green energy company a few years ago. After making that investment, she realized there was a “massive lack of both gendered and racialized representation in the impact investment landscape.”

She decided to fill that gap by founding the Sage Initiative in 2019, the first Indigenous womxn’s impact investment collective that generates a circular economy by facilitating the flow of capital from investors to Indigenous social enterprises.

“Nourishing an Indigenous economy is my way of calling for a new model of development that advances Indigenous self-determination, collective well-being and some semblance of economic reconciliation,” Lacerte explained.

Lacerte discusses in this episode the importance of changing the investment landscape from a cultural and gendered lens, how Indigenous concepts of wealth are part of the curriculum, and what people can do to support the initiative.

READ MORE: Road to Recovery: Island manufacturing business pivots during the COVID-19 pandemic

Road to Recovery is done in partnership with Douglas Magazine.

Jasmine BalaJasmine Bala

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