Retail Council says businesses turning away cash won’t be the new norm

Retail Council says businesses turning away cash won't be the new norm
WatchThe Retail Council of Canada says even though many businesses are not accepting cash, it will not be part of the new norm post-pandemic.

If you’ve been out to buy anything lately, you’ve likely come across retailers not accepting cash.

The majority have taken made the change to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Drip, a Nanaimo coffee shop, has been among them.

“Last time we were using cash would’ve been right before we closed down because of the pandemic which would’ve been around march 17th so a little while ago now,” said Jason Fortin, a Drip coffee co-owner.

They say it was easier because other retailers made the move first.

“Once we did open back up the majority of the public were used to it but there’s certainly a little bit of a learning curve for everyone involved,” said Fortin.

The move to plastic hasn’t impacted some customers.

“I rarely ever use cash. It’s always credit card and just pay it off at the end of the month,” said Mark Terry, a customer.

But it has been more difficult for those who prefer carrying bills.

“I’ve used cash basically all of my life and I like it. I guess having debit is more convenient but I like knowing my balance right away,” said Wayne Dawes, another customer who ended up using a credit card.

The Retail Council of Canada says even before the pandemic people have been opting for credit cards over cash.

“It’s been a trend in Canada that cash has been used less and less and in fact the increase in tap is significant so this contactless form of payment has become very dominant,” said Greg Wilson, director of Government Relations with the Retail Council of Canada.

But while countries such as Sweden have gone completely cashless, the Retail Council says Canada is not ready.

“I don’t know that it’s possible to go cashless because there’s a segment of consumers who do not have access to debit and credit accounts and therefore those customer s for the foreseeable future will need access to cash,” Wilson said.


Kendall HansonKendall Hanson

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