Redevelopment study underway on Victoria affordable housing complex

Redevelopment study underway on Victoria affordable housing complex

The Province has launched a feasibility study to support the redevelopment of an affordable housing complex in Victoria.

The 175-unit complex, Evergreen Terrace, is located at 2501 Blanshard Street and the Province says that the units are ageing, requiring “substantial renovations.”

The study is currently in its early stages and project information has been delivered to residents, who will have the opportunity to provide input and ideas to help shape the redevelopment plans for the property.

The Province is anticipating that the redevelopment study will take two years and help determine how to best replace the homes and whether the site can accommodate more affordable housing.

“The ageing homes at Evergreen Terrace have given 175 families affordable homes in Victoria for decades. This study will help us make sure these, and hopefully, even more families have access to high-quality housing on this site,” said David Eby, Attorney General and Minister Responsible for Housing. “Redeveloping ageing rental properties into modern, affordable homes for a range of incomes while ensuring existing tenants are protected leaves everyone better off and supports the health of the whole community.”

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Upon completion of the planning and feasibility study, a rezoning application will be submitted to the City of Victoria. If the redevelopment project is approved, the government says that tenants will be supported to stay in their homes, if possible, until the new homes are completed.

The Province emphasizes that there is no need to temporarily relocate tenants of Evergreen Terrace at this time due to the multi-year nature of the redevelopment process. Tenants are also not at risk of losing their homes because of redevelopment, the government adds.

“It is exciting to see the planning for the redevelopment of Evergreen Terrace underway. This is a large site on a major corridor and a bike route. Redevelopment of Evergreen Terrace has the opportunity to increase the supply of much-needed affordable homes in our city,” says Lisa Helps, Mayor of Victoria.

“We commend BC Housing for taking steps to avoid tenant displacement during the redevelopment and for working with the entire community to make this site a model for 21st-century liveability at the same time as providing much-needed affordable homes.”

Existing tenants will be given the opportunity to choose new units with no changes to their monthly rent unless their income or unit size has changed in the interim.

In total, the Province — through BC Housing — is investing $467,000 to the redevelopment of the property, which will go toward due diligence, feasibility, planning, stakeholder consultation and design development work.

Evergreen Terrace is owned and operated by BC Housing and has provided low-income housing for Victoria seniors and families for over 50 years. It is the largest of 12 sites operated by BC Housing in Victoria.


Graham CoxGraham Cox

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