‘Really concerned’: Pet owners speak out following recent dog attacks in Victoria

'Really concerned': Pet owners speak out following recent dog attacks in Victoria

Two pet owners have come forward after a string of recent dog attacks on the Island that in one case left a 10-year-old cat dead.

While on a routine walk at Topaz Park last Tuesday, Gord Faller had to step in to save his five-year-old German shepherd, Lexi, from nearly dying after being attacked by another dog.

“The dog came over, playing fine for about 15 to 20 minutes…Lexi went to get her ball away from him and he just immediately went ballistic,” said Faller.

The other dog, whom Faller believes was a Staffordshire Bull Terrier or pitbull, had its mouth on Lexi’s back leg.

“I had my hands in his jaw trying to make sure that he would not bite through any bone and I could feel his teeth right through her whole leg.”

After a few seconds of struggling, Faller and Lexi were both left with injuries. The owner rushed to an animal hospital to get Lexi treated and she ended up with multiple sutures and underwent surgery.

“I’m really concerned about the inside wound, the outside wound seems to be healing pretty well,” said Faller.

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Some of Lexi’s injuries are pictured. (CHEK News)

But while Faller drove to see a veterinarian, his friend stayed back and spoke with the owner of the dog that attacked Lexi, gathering his information.

“He gave my friend his name and a phone number and he seemed really remorseful and sorry that it happened,” said Faller.

However, when he tried calling the number, he learned it was out of service, leaving the owner with a $1,500 veterinary bill.

He’s filed a report with Victoria Animal Control Services (VACS) and has returned to Topaz Park frequently, even speaking with a soccer team that witnessed the incident, to try and see if anyone knows the true identity of the owner.

“Stand up and make sure that your dog doesn’t do that again, that’s my main concern about that right now. He’s done it before and I don’t want him to that again,” said Faller.

Other dog attacks

Lexi is a recent victim of a string of dog attacks in the Greater Victoria Area. Last month, an Oak Bay family put down their 10-year-old chihuahua mix, Champ, after being attacked by another dog at Willows Beach.

READ MORE: Dog euthanized after off-leash attack at Willows Beach

Another Oak Bay family has also lost their pet to a dog attack. In January, Monica and Roger Mangas said their 10-year-old cat, Lily, was killed after being attacked by two large dogs.

The couple says Lily was only resting on their porch when the dogs ran onto their property and started the fatal attack.

“She was sitting on the doorstep just in front of the kitchen, where we were preparing breakfast that morning, and all of the sudden we heard a commotion and within seconds we open the door and Lily was in the mouth of one dog,” said Monica in a Zoom interview with CHEK News.

The couple says the dogs eventually let go of the cat after a struggle.

“[The dogs’ owner] was apologizing to us saying, ‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry,’ and the dogs pulled away from her again, grabbed Lily again and that second time was fatal,” said Roger.

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Lily the cat is pictured.

The couple and a witness in the attack reported the incident to VACS. However, they claim that animal control sided with the dog owner and said that the cat had provoked the attack.

“It’s hard to believe,” said Monica.

The couple says they’ve had meetings with VACS and the District of Oak Bay since the attack but decided to come forward after learning that no consequences were being made against the dog owner.

VACS and the District of Oak Bay did not comment on the matter.

Oli HerreraOli Herrera

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