Raising a Stink: B.C. woman reminds people not to litter after rescuing skunk with cup on its head

Raising a Stink: B.C. woman reminds people not to litter after rescuing skunk with cup on its head

WATCH: Tanya Krasuin removes a plastic cup from a skunk’s head in Mission B.C. Video courtesy of Tanya Krasuin.

A Mission, B.C. woman is reminding people to recycle or dispose of their garbage properly after she removed a plastic Burger King cup from a skunk’s head.

Tanya Krasuin posted the video of the daring rescue on Facebook Wednesday. She said she was heading to work at 8 a.m. near Wren Street when she heard plastic scraping.

Krasuin then saw a skunk with a plastic Burger King cup on its head. She said cup was suffocating the skunk and it had fallen down stairs onto her lawn. She wanted to help the animal so she went back inside to find some bags to help her in case the skunk sprayed.

By the time she went back outside, the skunk had wandered off. She searched for five minutes.

“I found him hiding under a car,” Krasuin said, adding she gently coaxed him away from his hiding spot.

She said she was a little nervous but the self-described animal lover kept telling herself to just take the cup off the skunk’s head.

“I thought ‘If I get sprayed, no big deal.'”

In the 30-second video, Krasuin reassures the animal, saying “It’s OK” while she uses plastic bags to remove the cup. It took several tries before she was successful.

Krasuin wrote on Facebook that “Pepé Le Pew Lives On!” as the skunk walked away down the street after the rescue. She is also using social media to ask people to take extra steps when discarding their trash.

“I’ve always been a pretty big advocate when it comes to not littering and disposing of garbage responsibility. This morning, I witnessed first hand what a consumer lifestyle is doing to our beautiful planet and wildlife. And it was pretty heartbreaking,” Krasuin wrote in her post.

“Regardless if you are recycling or “doing your part,” these animals are trying to survive and will still go through your garbage/recycling. Take extra precautions.. take off lids, cut pop rings,” Krasuin wrote.

The cup Tanya Krasuin removed from the skunk in Mission, B.C. (Tanya Krasuin/Facebook)

The cup Tanya Krasuin removed from the skunk in Mission, B.C. (Tanya Krasuin/Facebook)


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