Protests against Kinder Morgan across Canada: Green Party leader Elizabeth May arrested

Protests against Kinder Morgan across Canada: Green Party leader Elizabeth May arrested

WATCH: Protests against the Kinder Morgan Pipeline expansion were held across the country Friday. Isabelle Raghem reports. 

Police have taken many protesters into custody for violating a court order at a Kinder Morgan construction site at Burnaby Mountain and the Federal Green Party leader is now among those taken away by authorities.

Rallies were held in Victoria, Saanich, Duncan and Campbell River on Friday. During one fo the protests, Saanich-Gulf Islands Member of Parliament Elizabeth May was arrested for breaking the court-imposed protest-free zone Friday.

Last week?s court order bans demonstrators from being within five metres of Kinder Morgan?s two terminal sites on Burnaby Mountain.

Protest organizers said in a release more than 85 people have been arrested for violating the court order.

May and New Democrat Burnaby South MP Kennedy Stewart announced before the protest they would join demonstrators at Kinder Morgan?s Burnaby Mountain tank farm.

?I do not take violating an injunction lightly. I respect our courts and await the court ruling on the legitimacy of the permit issued to Kinder Morgan,? said May in a release to announce she was taking part in Friday?s protest.

?Unfortunately, the federal government and the Texas corporation are not awaiting the ruling of the Federal Court. Kinder Morgan is committed to acts constituting irreparable harm ? to the environment and to indigenous rights.?

May said she has been charged with civil contempt for blocking the road and was released with conditions to appear in court on June 14.


Isabelle RaghemIsabelle Raghem

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