Premier John Horgan looks back at 2018, but says there is much more to do in 2019

Premier John Horgan looks back at 2018, but says there is much more to do in 2019

WATCH: Premier John Horgan says when he looks back at 2018, he is proud at everything his government accomplished. Affordable housing, childcare, and Clean BC are a few programs introduced in the past 12 months. But heading into the new year, he says there is much more work to be done. Mary Griffin reports. 

At a major announcement in front of the BC Legislature, Premier John Horgan looks like he’s having the time of his life.

It’s a year of accomplishments such as landing the $41 billion LNG Canada mega-project. Three years of construction of the project will create 10,000 jobs, and contribute $23 billion over 40 years to the province’s revenues.

“This is about a commitment from the people of British Columbia, to our resources, and to do what we can to make life better for British Columbians,” Horgan said.

That project is key to the government’s funding housing affordability measures, a promised childcare program and its Clean BC plan announced in Vancouver

A disappointment is the loss in the referendum on proportional representation. But Horgan says he’ll live with the results.

“If it doesn’t work, if the people vote against it, that’s good by me,” Horgan said.

As the MLA for Langford Juan de Fuca, Horgan recently met with mayors and indigenous leaders, all with ideas on how to use the E&N corridor.

“I think the overwhelming opinion in the room was, let’s figure out what it is that will work, from Comox to Victoria. and if it’s different from Comox to Nanaimo, and Nanaimo to Duncan, and Duncan to Victoria, that’s OK. But that will require a lot of consultation. and it’ll take some time.”

Then Horgan’s constituents had their chance to ask the Premier their own questions.

“I’d like to know how the road to Sooke is going to be better, improved for us. And straighten out that road a little bit. And that’s about it. That’s all I want to know from John.”

“We’re going to be putting a light at, a traffic light at Sooke River Road, so that we can make sure that people can get in and out of the Potholes. an important place for me, and an important place for everyone in the region. And we’re also going to do some straightening where we can.”

“What’s going on at the leg right now? Does he know more than he’s letting on? I’m assuming, no. Because John is a pretty straight guy.”

“I’m grateful that he said that I’m a pretty straight guy, ’cause I am. If I did know more, I would, if I was able to, I would tell the public.”

Then finally, from a young constituent a question that reveals a surprising answer.

“What’s your favourite colour?”

“My favourite colour? Well, I’m colour blind, so the colour I see is yellow.  When I was studying Australia, I was writing a thesis, and if I had a writer’s block I’d go shopping. I’d go into a second-hand store, always come back with something yellow for my wife, Ellie. And she has a closet full of yellow shirts that she never wore, but I always thought they looked good. ”

For 2019, Horgan is planning on another busy agenda with the possibility of ride-hailing in B.C., and focusing on transportation issues for Vancouver Island.

Mary GriffinMary Griffin

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