Video shows bear strolling through Central Saanich neighbourhood

Video shows bear strolling through Central Saanich neighbourhood

Central Saanich Police are advising the public of a bear sighting in the Brentwood Bay area on Saturday morning.

Police say the bear was spotted along Sea Drive, just north of Butchart Gardens.

Video sent to CHEK News show the black bear ambling around a driveway and into a car port.

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Police say the bear did not have any conflict with humans, but they’re asking residents to “be aware and follow Bear Smart advice.”

Bear Smart is a B.C. community program that offers information on how to avoid human-bear conflicts.

In urban areas, people should make sure they are securing any bear attractants, such as garbage, compost, fruit trees and bushes, and barbeques.

Pets should also be kept on a leash if you are in bear country, according to WildSafeBC, and hikers should be aware of their surroundings if they are in the backcountry.

People can also avoid surprising bears by talking or singing, and should watch for signs of a bear presence by looking for claw marks on trees, tracks, scat or freshly overturned logs.

If you do encounter a bear, stay calm and do not run away.

“Black bears evolved in wooded habitat so they are more inclined to flee into the forest rather than engage,” says WildSafeBC.

Talk to it in a low voice and back away while keeping the bear in sight, but avoiding eye contact.

If you spot a bear on the side of the road, WildSafe recommends slowing down but not stopping in case that causes traffic accidents, or habituates the animal to humans.

More safety tips can be found on the WildSafeBC website.


Adam ChanAdam Chan

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