Police seize brass knuckles after ‘play fight’ in Langford

Police seize brass knuckles after 'play fight' in Langford

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Police seized brass knuckles and gave a teenager a bylaw ticket after a “play fight” in Langford on Monday.

On April 29, West Shore RCMP received a report of two teenagers physically fighting in the parking lot of Tim Horton’s located at 2945 Jacklin Road in Langford.

Officers identified and arrested one of the teenagers involved for assault. When the teenage boy was searched, police found brass knuckles in his pocked and fixed blade knife in his backpack.

Witnesses told investigators the teenagers were “play fighting.” The knife and brass knuckles were not used in this fight.

“This fight looked real enough for a concerned member for the public to call us. The brass knuckles were seized as they are considered a prohibited weapon. Our officers could have charged the teenager criminally for possession of a prohibited weapon, however, in this case, the youth was issued a bylaw ticket for fighting in public,” Const. Nancy Saggar, West Shore RCMP media relations officer, said in a statement.


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