Pandora bike lanes surpass one million cycling trips says City of Victoria

Pandora bike lanes surpass one million cycling trips says City of Victoria
Pandora bike lanes surpass one million cycling trips says City of Victoria

The City of Victoria is celebrating a milestone on two wheels.

It says the protected bikes lines on Pandora Avenue, which opened on May 1, 2017, have now surpassed one million cycling trips.

That works out to an average of 1,160 per day and 35,000 per month.

“This is a significant mobility milestone for our city and demonstrates why our cycling network is so important. Simply put – people want to use it,” said Mayor Lisa Helps.

The 1.2-kilometer protected bike lanes on Pandora, which cost $3.42 million to build, were the first ones to open as part of a 32-kilometer cycling network that now includes lanes on Fort, Wharf and Humboldt.

By comparison, the Burrard Bridge bike lanes in Vancouver, installed in 2009 and among the busiest in North America, saw an average of approximately 136,500 cycling trips per month over the first six months of 2018.



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