‘Open to everyone’: Vaisakhi Parade returns to Victoria

'Open to everyone': Vaisakhi Parade returns to Victoria

The Vaisakhi Parade returned to B.C.’s capital on Sunday.

The annual celebration honours the birth of the Khalsa and the Sikh religion, and marks the new year according to the Sikh calendar.

Although the event resumed in full swing post-COVID, this year marked the first time the religious procession took place since 2019.

The parade or procession is an important part of honouring the Sikh religion, according to event food donor Arneet Dua in an interview with CHEK News.

“The parade basically signifies … we are celebrating and spreading the message of togetherness, of sacrifice [and] courage,” said Dua.

The celebrations included Kirtan (devotional singing), educational stalls, Gatka (Sikh Martial Arts) and handing out free food.

Part of the Sikh religion involves serving meals free of charge regardless of religion, gender, economic status, or ethnicity.

Celebration volunteer Jindi Singh is one of many hoping to pass along the message that everyone is always welcome in their community.

“Our places of worship have always been open to everyone. We always have a free kitchen or Langar, which is a community hub for everybody,” said Singh.

In the spirit of Vaisakhi, the Gurdwara will be preparing meals for 500 people to be delivered to Our Place Society as well as giving donations to local charities.

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