One week to start of provincial election

One week to start of provincial election

Watch: For political junkies, it’s the best time of the year.

The writ will drop next Tuesday and the provincial election will officially be called.

Although the unofficial campaigning started weeks ago, the battle to win your vote will begin in earnest.

Mary Griffin takes a look at the race so far.

You know it’s election time when there is this much excitement over a bus.

With one week to go until the official start of the provincial election, the NDP rolled out its slogan

“It’s time to build a better BC.”

The BC Liberal Party also unveiling its slogan.

Their ads featuring the premier predominantly.

“In the next four years, we have more to do.”

“Something smells funny.”

And this time, the NDP is taking off the gloves.

Attack ads are part of the campaign strategy this time.

“Government gone bad.

Something smells funny.”

UVic political scientist Michael Prince says the NDP don’t intend to repeat mistakes made during the 2013 provincial election.

“Attack ads, or negative ads.

They are trying to learn their lesson from the last campaign.

Where they tried to take the high road.

Adrian Dix as a leader wanted to have a positive campaign.

We saw how that happened.

We know how that turned out for them.”

A weekend new poll by Mainstreet/Postmedia shows the BC Green Party leading on Vancouver Island, at 32 percent among decided and leaning voters.

That’s tied with the Liberals, and 4 points ahead of the third place NDP.

“We would simplify the taxation system.

And moving toward a move progressive system.”

Prince says Green Party leader Andrew Weaver still has a lot of work to do.

“His support still is soft across the mainland, the polls show.

And his strengths really are on Vancouver Island.

This is where he could get that much hoped for break through.”

Today’s tally stands at 17.

A sure sign an election is near.

“We want to make sure jobs are here for this generation.”

“Christy Clark, she’s been the premier, been in the public eye.

She has all the advantages of rolling out announcements almost daily.

Tens of millions, billions of dollars.

We’re going to see more of that until the writ drops.”

And there is likely more to come before the writ drops April 11th, and the provincial election May 9th.

Mary GriffinMary Griffin

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