NDP Leader John Horgan gears up for 2017 BC election

NDP Leader John Horgan gears up for 2017 BC election

In May 2013, the NDP suffered a shocking election defeat.

Nearly four years later, with new leader, John Horgan, in place the party is vowing not to repeat the same mistakes in trying to take down Christy Clark and the BC liberals.

“No more Mr. Nice Guy,” says Horgan, “I am a nice guy but when it comes to holding them accountable, I’m going to absolutely do that, the record is not a good one.”

Horgan cites the second-worst funding rates for education, stripping bus passes from people with disabilities and a dramatic increase in hydro rates as among the biggest liberal failings, and then of course there’s Kinder Morgan.

“I think that the position that I’ve taken is the position of the majority of most British Columbians.”

“We don’t believe, I don’t believe that our greatest city, Metro Vancouver, where almost 2 million people live should be transformed into a super export port for Alberta oil.

Complicating matters for Horgan, according to some, is that Alberta premier Rachel Notley is the only currently serving NDP premier in the country.

“The fact that we share a political party also doesn’t mean we share every issue,” counters Horgan, “I feel my responsibility and what I take very seriously, is making sure that I’m representing the best for British Columbia.”

As an alternative to pipelines, Horgan talks about new engines to drive the economy.

“Innovation, high tech, the green economy.”

“That’s not to say we’re foreclosing on our resource sectors, because that’s not the case.”

“We need to make sure we’re adding as many jobs as possible to every element of our resource economy, whether it’s our minds, whether it’s our natural gas, whether it’s our forests.”

As for Horgan’s take on what British Columbians should be most concerned out going forward?

“What will happen with the Donald Trump government is important.”

“Certainly our largest trading partner.”

“The softwood lumber agreement has expired, we now face probably the most reactionary president with a congress and a senate that are of the same political party so that will be a challenge with our forest industry.”

Raising minimum wage to 15 dollars an hour; creating affordable, accessible child care and reducing or eliminating medical insurance premiums are three election promises that will drive the NDP platform in it’s quest for election success.

“Because it’s time for a change.”

That’s why John Horgan says voters should elect him this spring.

“I aspire to be the premier because I believe British Columbians want someone that lives their life and walks their walk and I think that will win the day.”

Only time and British Columbia voters will tell.

The provincial election will take place on May 9.

Stacy RossStacy Ross

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