Nanaimo man ‘shocked’ to find stolen e-trike returned 1 year later

Nanaimo man 'shocked' to find stolen e-trike returned 1 year later
WatchNanaimo man 'shocked' to find stolen e-trike returned 1 year later

Aragorn Klockars was just on his way out of his home when he got the surprise of his life from Nanaimo RCMP.

“When they gave me the news my jaw just dropped,” said Aragorn Klockars.

“Unbelievable,” said the Nanaimo resident.

A year after his most precious belonging, his e-trike that helped the disabled Nanaimo man get everywhere he needed to go was stolen from in front of his home,

“It was everything,” Klockars told CHEK News in October 2018.

“It was my independence. It’s how I get around,” he said after it had just been stolen.

RCMP found it.

“And told me we have your trike,” said Klockars.

“We (RCMP) raided a storage locker and your trike was in there. So I was just totally agog,” said Klockars.

“When he told me over the phone, oh my God” said Klockars partner Don MacIver.

“I was in disbelief,” he said.

“Because this is just a nasty thing that happened we were so glad to right a wrong,” said Cst. Gary O’Brien of Nanaimo RCMP.

What RCMP didn’t tell Klockars though was the lengths they’d gone to make the now badly damaged e-trike, his again.

“Oh no I had no idea,” said Klockars.

“Our street crime unit took it upon themselves to say guys this is something we need to right,” said Cst. O’Brien.

“So they passed the hat and collected enough money to cover all the parts for the bike,” he said

That act of generosity grew when the bike was brought in to Rock City Cycles for repairs. They went on to donate labour with the parts RCMP had brought in.

“And made sure it was safe and checked it all over,” said Rock City Cycles owner Sean Lunny.

“And luckily they hadn’t broke the electric part and that actually started up again once we played with it and yeah it’s really good,” he said.

Putting Klockars back in the driver seat, and beaming again.

“Totally on cloud nine I didn’t think I’d see any of it again,” said Klockars.

“That is unbelievable and right on Nanaimo RCMP you know just right on,” said MacIver.

“It just feels so great,” said Klockars.

Restoring a lot of the faith in people that Klockars had stolen from him a year ago.

Skye RyanSkye Ryan

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