Nanaimo inventor gets man in wheelchair out fishing again

Nanaimo inventor gets man in wheelchair out fishing again

WATCH: A Nanaimo man’s dream of enjoying a carefree day out fishing is coming true thanks to the kindness of a stranger, who saw a need and filled it. Now Tim Kerfoot’s need for a wheelchair is no longer standing in the way of his favourite pastime. Skye Ryan has the story.


With his young son on his lap, Tim Kerfoot prepared to brave unfamiliar terrain, on a trip he wondered if he’d ever experience again.

“My life is being impacted today,” said the Nanaimo man on the shores of Diver Lake. “Someday I believe I’ll be on the water with my boys,” said Kerfoot.

The Nanaimo man and popular Walmart greeter, who always manages a smile, once loved to fish.

“My first memories as long as I can remember was fishing. Those are the memories that make life count when you’re a little boy,” said the father of two.

An injury put him in a wheelchair 17 years ago and makes a trip on the water, difficult.

Yet after crossing paths with inventor/backyard tinkerer Jon Pimlott, who crafted a wheelchair lift so a woman could experience her first walk on Parksville’s beach last summer, he agreed to leave dry land behind in a modified rowboat designed just for this.

“Tim’s gonna be sitting in the back of the boat with his fishing rod in his hands,” said inventor Jon Pilot. “So when the trout strikes he gets to feel the initial strike and we catch fish, and the moments are gold,” said Pimlott.

“Little bit of nerves,” said Kerfoot before hitting the water.

But, in the boat they went, rowing out to the centre of the lake to cast their lines. To the shock of onlookers, it took no time for Kerfoot to catch his first fish.

“I think he’s got a fish,” said excited onlookers. “He’s got a fish on! Yeah!”

“Keep reeling,” instructed Pimlott. “Yeah. Whoa,” he said laughing.

“Brings life back into a fisherman’s heart,” said Tim Kerfoot.

Skye RyanSkye Ryan

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