Nanaimo goats bring giggles to many as they jump on farm trampoline

Nanaimo goats bring giggles to many as they jump on farm trampoline

WATCH: A Nanaimo farm has become a local sensation thanks to a heartwarming playground for its kids. That’s “kid” goats, and the way they play on the trampoline is something you have to see for yourself. And as Skye Ryan reports, the backstory to the farm is just as amazing.

Jean Empson’s heart melts every single time that she walks out to her Nanaimo goat farm.

“It’s just the most fantastic place to live,” said the Nanaimo resident.

On Tuesday, she was bottle feeding her two baby goats, Piccolo and Punto, who were rejected by their real mom. Empson was preparing them for a day of playing with the other kids.

The goat kids have a real playground to enjoy on the farm, complete with trampoline they will jump all day on.

“Watching them I just love it,” said Empson.

And the goat kids have become a local sensation, turning heads with people driving and biking by.

“They are having fun,” said neighbour Rob Hanna.

“They are little acrobats and they’re really talented.”

Once they get bored of the trampoline the goats move on over for a ride on the goat boat.

“Oh its great,” said Empson’s husband Jerry Schaefer.

“Me and Jean will sit here every evening and see them romping around.”

“It just makes you feel happy,” said Empson.

For Empson, the sight of the goats is extra special because she is going blind.

“It’s like I’m looking through storm clouds,” said Empson.

“All the time, and they’re jellied kind of and they move around so there are parts that are solid black that I can’t see through,” she said.

The Nanaimo grandmother knows seeing her baby goats playing won’t last.

“It will just get worse,” she said.

So she is taking in every moment of joy she can and enjoying everything the playground gives to her “kids.”

“Being in the now is so important,” she said.


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