Nanaimo Georgia Greenway project delayed over concerns of tree removal

Nanaimo Georgia Greenway project delayed over concerns of tree removal

Map of Nanaimo's Georgia Greenway project for a proposed pedestrian/cycling bridge over the Chase River. The city announced Wednesday the first phase has been postponed. Photo courtesy City of Nanaimo.

Map of Nanaimo’s Georgia Greenway project for a proposed pedestrian/cycling bridge over the Chase River. The city announced Wednesday the first phase has been postponed. Photo courtesy City of Nanaimo.

Work on a new pedestrian and cycling bridge over the Chase River in Nanaimo has been put on hold over concern from residents of trees being cut down in the area.

Nanaimo council put the Georgia Greenway project on hold after a special meeting Monday night.

Council instructed staff to conduct a further review to see if the bridge can be constructed without removing any of the large cottonwood trees in the area.

The tree clearing area is along Georgia Avenue south of Sixth Street near Harewood Centennial Park.

Tree removal work has been cancelled and site cleanup will be completed.

The Georgia Greenway and Harewood Utilities Projects Tender has been cancelled.

Andy NealAndy Neal

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