Mutual aid: Wrong number sees Alberta firefighters treat Texas first responders to pizza party

Mutual aid: Wrong number sees Alberta firefighters treat Texas first responders to pizza party
Mutual aid: Phone number mix-up sees Alberta firefighters treat Texas first responders to pizza party

A mix-up in a pizza order from a northern Alberta fire hall resulted in a tasty treat this week for some firefighters and police in San Antonio, Tex.

The crew at the Lesser Slave Regional Fire Service decided to buy dinner for first responders who attended a talk Monday at its fire hall about post-traumatic stress disorder.

Firefighter Jordan Lampertz says he quickly Googled what he thought was the phone number for a Slave Lake restaurant called Alimo’s Pizzaria and ordered 18 large pies, but was puzzled when a San Antonio number later showed up in his call display.

Lampertz says a light bulb went on when he did another Google search and realized he had actually reached Alamo Pizza and Wings in San Antonio, more than 3700 kilometres away, which he then called to explain the situation.

Lampertz went ahead and authorized payment for the order and asked that they be delivered to first responders in the southern Texas city so it would not go to waste.

“It was an honest mistake. And we made some Friends along the way. Reminder to check your google before calling,” reads a post on the Lesser Slave Regional Fire Service Facebook page.

The San Antonio Fire Department later posted a comment on the same page, saying neffxt time any of the Alberta firefighters are in their city, Alamo Pizza is on them.

“This has to win an award for the longest “mutual aid” response in history! Thanks for the pizza and the laughs Lesser Slave Regional Fire Service!”

with files from Canadian Press


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