Mother of Nanaimo murder victim pleads for tips as case remains unsolved

Mother of Nanaimo murder victim pleads for tips as case remains unsolved
Watchhe mother of a Nanaimo murder victim is pleading for justice. This week marks three months since the body of 27-year-old Amy Watts was found dumped in a downtown Nanaimo ravine, and without any arrests made, women who knew the former outreach worker say they are terrified of it happening again. Skye Ryan has more.

Kelly Rebner and Katie Richardson are two of the many women living in fear among on Nanaimo’s streets, as the killer of their friend and former outreach worker Amy Watts still walks free.

“It’s affecting everybody. None of us get to feel safe out here,” said Kelly Rebner, a friend of Watts and homeless resident in Nanaimo.

“That was my support worker at a women’s shelter, you know that’s not who you expect something like that to happen to,” said Katie Richardson, also a friend of Watts and homeless resident of Nanaimo.

Rebner, 40, said she vividly remembers seeing Watts, who relapsed into drug use during the pandemic and whose body was found dumped in a Nanaimo ravine on June 3, which was one of the last days she was alive.

“She was scared. She was literally scared for her life because she was trying to get away from him,” said Rebner.

Neither that individual, or any other have been charged three months after her body was found. Watts’ mother, Janice Coady, who lives in Prince Edward Island, is appealing for people who know something to come forward to RCMP.

“It’s hard knowing that the person who murdered Amy is still walking the streets somewhere and they haven’t been able to get him yet. So I just pray for that day to happen,” Janice Coady told CHEK News from her home in Charlottetown.

According to Nanaimo RCMP, Watts’ homicide is an open and active investigation and due to that, they will offer no update on the case.

“Girls aren’t coming forward because they’re scared,” said Richardson.

“I also want to make sure that other women are protected because who knows how many women this individual has done this to or could do this to,” said Coady.

Rebner agreed.

“The longer it takes, the more time goes by, not good at all. That’s the sad part,” said Rebner.

Coady is now creating a scholarship fund for the former VIU student, who once had such a bright future.

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Skye RyanSkye Ryan

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