More than 400 volunteers care for spectacular Government House Gardens

More than 400 volunteers care for spectacular Government House Gardens
WatchWith its magnificent grounds cared for by more than 400 volunteers, Government House is truly a hidden gem on Rockland Avenue in Victoria.

With its magnificent grounds cared for by more than 400 volunteers, Government House is truly a hidden gem on Rockland Avenue in Victoria.

“The garden is 35 acres,” says Valerie Murray, from the Friends of Government House Garden Society. “It’s divided into 20 different gardens, and each of the gardens has a volunteer coordinator. I am the horticultural advisor to all of these separate gardens, and so I try to see that there’s a flow in between them all. We don’t just maintain them, we’ve created them. And they’ve evolved, and the gardeners just bring so much love and attention to this space. It’s what makes it such a special place.”

Gerry Gibbens, the head of the nursery, explains that the volunteers work two mornings a week, and are all passionate gardeners who love being on the grounds.

“It’s a chance to come in and work for a couple of hours,” says Gibbens. “A couple of days a week, get some fresh air, some exercise, and a sense of community.”

The Gardens of Government House are open to the public, for free, seven days a week from 9:00 a.m. until sunset. Learn more from Veronica Cooper in this episode of Vital People.

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Veronica CooperVeronica Cooper

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