Magical moment at Ogden Point as orcas pass just metres away from pier

Magical moment at Ogden Point as orcas pass just metres away from pier
Kayleigh Rees/submitted
People down at the breakwater on March 22, 2023 saw two orcas swim close to the shore.

A beautiful spring morning on the South Island was made even more magical by a visit from a pair of orcas near downtown Victoria.

The two orcas passed by the Ogden Point breakwater near James Bay around 8:30 a.m. Wednesday, transforming the usual morning walk for some into a memorable moment.

The two incredible creatures made for quite a spectacle, just meters away from the pier. In the clip, they swim in tandem, surfacing several times and spouting water.

Onlookers fortunate enough to witness the event capture it on camera, while a curious dog barks at the large mammals.

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Roger CollinsRoger Collins

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