Victoria leading the country in low unemployment

Victoria leading the country in low unemployment

WATCH: Victoria has the lowest unemployment in the country, according to new numbers from Statistics Canada. Calvin To reports.

Victoria has the lowest unemployment numbers in the country, according to new numbers from Statistics Canada.

The unemployment rate in Victoria was at 3.8 per cent in October of this year, compared to 4.9 per cent in B.C. and 6.3 per cent in Canada.

GT Hiring Solutions manager Michael Lane says current conditions make it difficult for employers to find workers.

At the same time, there are plenty of positions for job seekers.

“We have clients come into the centre, we meet them for the first time, and within a few hours sometimes of being in our resource room they’re walking out with interviews later that day, with sometimes even just a job offer over email that they are going to start tomorrow, sight unseen,” Lane said.

Lane says his company is encouraging businesses to attract workers by making the workplace more fun and flexible, as well as considering those who can do a reduced workload, such as people with disabilities.

The Butchart Gardens is one of many businesses looking to hire seasonal staff over the holidays.

“Everyone else is recruiting. You can’t go anywhere on this island that I’ve seen where there’s not help wanted signs and people recruiting,” said Jeannie Christison, the company’s human resources director.

The Butchart Gardens currently has about 350 staff. It plans to have about 400 by the Christmas season.

Calvin ToCalvin To

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