Lifetime Networks offers friendship, support and community

Lifetime Networks offers friendship, support and community

It was a special day earlier this week for a group from Lifetime Networks, as they toured CHEK TV.

Lifetime Networks is a non-profit society supporting people with diverse abilities in the community.

“We support over 300 families,” says Emilie Longtin, program instructor with the organization.

“This is our “being a citizen” class, so these are adults that are transitioning from school, and they’re learning life skills. This group is very passionate about the news, and that’s how this unit came to be.”

“I’m super excited that we get to all experience this!” says participant Adam Irwin-Gunn. “It’s just kinda neat that we get to see how everything works in the media side of things, and then get to watch it at home. That’s really cool.”

“We choose where we want to go based on what they tell me,” says Longtin. “They’re so passionate about learning, and they’re just so passionate about community and that’s what we’ve really seen from this.”

The group has been to various organizations throughout the community.

“We’ve been to the [Royal BC] Museum, we’ve been to Flying Squirrel, Butterfly Gardens, Swan Lake [Nature Sanctuary]. Even a Handydart Station! We’re just out and about everywhere!”

And as a non-profit, Lifetime Networks is always looking for volunteers.

“We have our big marathon coming up, the GoodLife Fitness Victoria Marathon, so we’re definitely looking for team members for that,” says Longtin. “Or businesses who would like us to come and do a little news story on them! We’d love to! We love going out in the community.”

Click here to learn more about Lifetime Networks.

Veronica CooperVeronica Cooper

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