Liberals take West Vancouver-Sea to Sky from Greens, Elections BC says recount will be held

Liberals take West Vancouver-Sea to Sky from Greens, Elections BC says recount will be held
CHEK file
Elections BC says a judicial recount will take place in the West Vancouver-Sea to Sky riding after Liberal candidate Jordan Sturdy beat Green Party candidate Jeremy Valeriote by 41 votes.

All the votes are in and a recount is needed in one B.C. riding.

Elections BC says a judicial recount will take place in the West Vancouver-Sea to Sky riding after the final vote count revealed that Liberal candidate Jordan Sturdy beat Green Party candidate Jeremy Valeriote by 41 votes.

On election night, Valeriote appeared to have won the riding, which would be the first for the Greens outside of Vancouver Island.

Elections BC says judicial recount is automatically been trigged if the difference between the top two candidates is less than 1/500 of the total ballots.

There were 24,769 votes considered in the West Vancouver-Sea to Sky riding. The threshold to trigger a recount is 49 votes or less.

Elections BC says a judicial recount will be conducted by the B.C. Supreme Court and could include “some or all of the ballots and certification envelopes for an election.”

The Green Party issued a statement Saturday evening saying they will wait for the results of the recount.

“Jeremy Valeriote is an excellent candidate and the close results in his riding show that the people of West Vancouver-Sea to Sky are hoping for a more sustainable and equitable future for their community,” the party said.

No date for the recount has been set by the courts.


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