Ladysmith blanketed by 50 centimeters of snow since Sunday

Ladysmith blanketed by 50 centimeters of snow since Sunday

WATCH: Over 50 centimetres of snow has fallen in Ladysmith, and people have spent the majority of the day digging themselves out. But the steep slope the town sits on is causing some troubles. Kendall Hanson takes a look.

It’s the biggest snowfall to hit Ladysmith in decades.

Since Sunday the town has been blanketed by over 50 centimetres of snow.

“We don’t get this very often,” said Geoff Goodall, Ladysmith’s Director of Infrastructure Services. “I think probably the last time was ’96.”

And the heavy snowfall is straining the town’s ability to respond.

Ladysmith has fewer than 10 snow removing vehicles. They’re all being driven around the clock, with even city employee helping to dig the town out.

The city has been focusing on main streets as a priority, and getting to the side streets when the weather allows. But one of the biggest difficulties for Ladysmith, at least when the snow flies, is its geography.

“The hills are the challenge in Ladysmith,” said Goodall. “It’s a pretty hilly community so it’s just tough to deal with those hills and keep the hills in conditions that people are actually able to get up and down them.”

So far, the town has managed to keep all their streets open.

But kids, home for a snow day, have closed an alley, turning it into an impromptu toboggan run.

“I hope it keeps snowing! I don’t want to go back to school,” said Cooper Smith, a student home from school.

But while the kids in Ladysmith enjoy playing in the snow, others are still out with their shovels.

“Fred down the way, he’s got a snowblower too so we keep our block clear. There are some folks that can’t get around so we help them out,” said Bill Drysdale, a Ladysmith resident. “We’re paying it forward. Our time will come.”

“If you see someone out shovelling why not give him a little push?” said Kelly McDonnell, a Ladysmith resident who was pushing snow with his ATV.

With another storm possibly on the way, Ladysmith may soon have much more than 50 centimetres of snow to deal with.

Kendall HansonKendall Hanson

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