‘Kyle is Netflix documentary level’: Alleged con artist using alias also a wanted man in Ontario

'Kyle is Netflix documentary level': Alleged con artist using alias also a wanted man in Ontario
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WARNING: Elements of this story depict assault and may be disturbing to some.

More South Island women are coming forward saying they were lied to and psychologically and physically abused by a man using the alias ‘Giovanni Zizzo’.

“When I saw the news article, I was like holy sh** he’s still here, he’s still doing this,” said Michelle, whose real identity CHEK News is protecting for her safety.

The woman says she met who she thought was ‘Giovanni Zizzo’ back in 2004. They started a romantic relationship, but it was casual so she didn’t want to share that news publically.

“That’s when all the psychological abuse started. Just email after email,” said Michelle.

Michelle was also warned by a friend that he was dangerous and quickly stopped contact.

According to ‘Gio’s’ other alleged victims, Michelle is one of the lucky ones.

“When I read that article and he told her ‘you’re mine, I own you, mind, body and soul.’ He couldn’t even mix it up. He said the same things to me,” said Isabella, whose real identity is being also protected for her safety.

Isabella says she first met “Gio” in 2005 through her ex-boyfriend.

“He swooped in and was everything my ex wasn’t and wanted to take care of me and my kids,” said Isabella. “Then he just started getting very controlling, possessive, and abusive.”

Isabella says things escalated so far that he began to steal from her, stalked her, threatened to kill her family, and kidnapped her to beat her in Goldstream Park.

“He likes to bite, I don’t know why, but he took a chunk out of my back. He once beat me so hard I lost my hearing in my right ear for about six months,” said Isabella.

Isabella says she found out Giovanni Zizzo wasn’t his name when Saanich Police raided his house back in 2005, telling her at the time his real name was Kyle Moro (another alias court records show Kyle Balanjol is known to use).

“My ex-husband had been abusive, so I was so weak. I was at such the bottom of the barrel, that I wanted it so badly. People don’t understand he’s so good at manipulating vulnerable women,” said Isabella.

She estimates while they were dating that Kyle was talking to five to eight other women, and as a result, believes there are dozens of female victims across North America.

“Kyle is Netflix documentary level,” said Isabella.

“He doesn’t work. He lives off of what women can do for him sexually, financially. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was dozens and dozens and dozens of women,” said Isabella.

Meanwhile, CHEK News has learned that the same Kyle Balonjan who is facing charges of assault and theft in Victoria, is also a wanted man in Ontario.

“Hamilton Police can confirm that Kyle Balonjan is wanted with the Hamilton Police Service. As to the specifics of the investigation and the outstanding charges, no further information will be released at this time,” Hamilton Police told CHEK News in a statement.

Criminal lawyers say it comes down to money, as to why Balonjan has yet to face the charges there.

“All criminal code warrants are valid anywhere in Canada. The issue becomes whether the original jurisdiction wants to pay to have the person transported back when they are arrested on the warrant,” said Michael Mulligan, a criminal lawyer in Victoria.

So far there’s no indication Balonjan has been arrested for the outstanding charges of assault and theft in Victoria.

All of these allegations have not been proven in court.

Kori SidawayKori Sidaway

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