‘It’s going to be weird not seeing each other everyday’: UVIC basketball friends play final game

'It's going to be weird not seeing each other everyday': UVIC basketball friends play final game
WatchMorgan Roskelley and Marissa Dheensaw have been teammates since they were 11.

Two UVIC Vikes players who have forged a special bond both on and off the court have played what could be their final game together. Morgan Roskelley and Marissa Dheensaw were destined to be friends. Their dads, Don and Shawn, were former teammates on the rugby pitch.

Since the age of 11, the duo has shared the court. Night league basketball led them down the path to Vikes stardom. Now for the first time, the two will be apart. It’s something Marissa said.  says will take getting used to.

“It’s going to be weird not seeing each other everyday, after almost our whole lives actually seeing each other almost every single day,” Marissa said.

For Don and Shawn, the experience has been just as special. Every time the girls play, Morgan’s dad Don is still amazed at the connection that’s been formed.

“Every game, almost every time we see them together, it’s like there they are, together still. You know it’s pretty neat.”

Though Morgan and Marissa went to different high schools, Marissa’s dad Shawn knew there was a chance the two girls could share the court in university. It was just a matter of where.

Once the decision came down to UVIC, Shawn was relieved the girls would be playing close to home.

“In high school, you realized it was going to happen for both of them. Now where it happens for both of them we didn’t know, and now it’s at UVIC and it’s just extra special for us as a parent.”

And as their last game ended, it was fitting that the pair walked off the CARSA court together for one last time.










Cole SorensonCole Sorenson

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