Islanders rise before dawn to celebrate the royal couple

Islanders rise before dawn to celebrate the royal couple

WATCH: While most couldn’t make it to Windsor for the big day, that didn’t stop dozens of local royal watchers from catching the event. Ceilidh Millar reports. 

It was the moment the world had been waiting for ? an enchanting first glimpse of the soon-to-be Duchess in her wedding dress.

A burst of applause filled the room at the Union Club where more than 100 royal watchers gathered before the crack of dawn on Saturday morning to watch Prince Harry and Meghan Markle tie the knot.

“I can’t imagine what it’s like for her Mother to see her little girl marrying her prince charming,” said one attendee.

The sold-out event was hosted by the Royal Commonwealth Society of Vancouver Island and the Monarchist League of Canada.

Attendees enjoyed a royal feast complete with a live viewing of the wedding and a celebratory toast to the newlyweds.

“It’s been utterly heartwarming to see this many people interested in such a happy event,” said Grace Vandenbrink of the Union Club of B.C.

“They’ve been part of a historical moment that will last them their lifetime,” explained David Spence with RCSVI.

The noon-hour ceremony, which took place at St. George’s Chapel in Windsor, was certainly one for the history books.

Spence believes the wedding marks a new era for the monarchy.

“The monarchy is reaching out to embrace people of [diversity] and be inclusive in the respect for people of all places and all ages,” Spence explained.

The couple left the chapel as the Duke and Duchess of Sussex which is a title that hasn’t been used in more than a century.

Millions around the world rejoiced in their royal matrimony.

“It’s just a wonderful way to carry on this tradition and spend it all together,” said another attendee.

Ceilidh MillarCeilidh Millar

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