Irresponsible gun play at Jordan River has logging workers feeling unsafe

Irresponsible gun play at Jordan River has logging workers feeling unsafe

WATCH: Irresponsible shooting practices at Jordan River have brought up some concerns. As Luisa Alvarez reports, not only is there a big problem with garbage being left behind but the safety of the logging workers is being called into question as the no shooting zones in the area are not well enforced.

Irresponsible gun enthusiasts at Jordan River are under fire.Juan de Fuca Director Mike Hicks says they’re bringing guns that are illegal.

“They are automatic weapons and that’s sort of a little frightening to the locals and some are not going quite far enough away,” said Hicks.

One of the biggest concerns is that hikers and people walking in the area along with the logging workers are being put in danger.

Quality Control Supervisor for Queesto Community Logging Keith Sorenson describes an incident Saturday that had his co-worker fearing for his life.

“We had an employee operating a piece of equipment here in the woods and when they were out servicing their machine they were basically taking cover from gunfire within meters of where they were,” Sorenson said.

“And furthermore, he had to wait for whoever was firing and had to yell and wait for a moment of silence to scream and yell to let the resident or whoever was firing the gun know that he was in the area.”

The only problem is because the area is so large its tough to regulate.

“If we are in the area and we get reports of people shooting and we can get there in a timely manner then we will go and check those people out,” Conservation Officer Scott Norris said.

“But when you get out of the actually closed area you know the sound does travel and it is hard to tell where people are shooting sometimes.”

The other concern is the shell casings and garbage left behind.

While the majority of residents and gun enthusiasts do clean up after themselves Norris says “the bad few give a bad name for everyone else.”

Under the Environmental Management Act, leaving garbage behind is an offence.

But again, its tough to regulate.

“Its probably impossible to enforce, people just have to be aware that there are people living there, there are people working,” Hicks said.

“I mean no-one wants to shoot anyone and to clean up after themselves that’s the big issue.”

Because nobody wants the irresponsible few to ruin it for everyone.

Ben O'HaraBen O'Hara

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