‘I’ll never forget it:’ Woman films brief sighting of coastal wolf in Tofino

'I'll never forget it:' Woman films brief sighting of coastal wolf in Tofino

WATCH:A quick encounter with a coastal grey wolf in Tofino on Jan. 30, 2019. (Sandra Riches/Facebook).

Sandra Riches is still in awe of a breathtaking encounter she had with a coastal grey wolf on Mackenzie Beach in Tofino last week.

On Jan. 30, Riches filmed a brief sighting of a coastal grey wolf while she was on the west coast of Vancouver Island for work. Riches, who co-ordinates AdventureSmart in B.C., was working with Parks Canada staff over the two days. The staff told Riches that the animal responded perfectly by noticing a human and turning around to leave the area. This means it is not habituated

“It was a big surprise. I was filming a little ‘good morning to my boyfriend’ before I went to a work meeting and just happen to catch the wolf strolling along the beach. It was just the two of us and I’ll never forget it,” Riches said.

Riches posted the video on Facebook where it has been shared more than 65 times. One of the people who shared it was Tofino Mayor Josie Osborne, who wrote that it was a very visual reminder that Tofino residents live among wildlife.

“Please, take good care of your domestic animals AND the wild animals by keeping your pets close, under control, and leashed,” Osborne wrote.


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